'exercising faith'
'exercising faith'
i know we've had this thread before - but thought i'd be the first on the new board !
some of my top picks as follows.
more to come.. 1. jaws.
Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
some of us are having a hard time with the way jwn comes up on our screen..there`s a way to fix that..change the resolution on your screen.....jwd came up very narrow on my screen.....i had my screen set at 1680x1050pixels..i`ve dropped it down to1280x960pixels.....now jwn is much easier to read.................how do you change the resolution on your screen?.............................#1:go to your regular screen with all the little symbols on it.......#2:find a clear spot on the screen and click your right mouse button.....#3:go to "properties"/click left mouse button.....#4:go to "settings"....there you will find "screen resolution".......set it up or down.....see what works for your computer screen.....and..enjoy the all new...
I just discovered a non-permanent way to read on JWN better!
If you have IE 7, there is at the top right hand side, a drop down option which reads 'page'. Click on that and you'll find a 'zoom' option - set it to 125% and that makes JWN fill the screen.
When you go to other sites, you can set it back to 100%.
with the recent escalation of the israel/palestine conflict in the gaza strip dominating news headlines, even former hard-boiled zionist thinkers like daniel gavron start to consider alternative options for the future of the jewish state.
but these chapters contain only a few vague hints of the heretical conclusion - for a life-long, traditional zionist, that is - that gavron has reached and which he presents to his unsuspecting readers in the book's eighth and final chapter: after 55 years of jewish sovereignty, the time has come to dissolve the jewish state and establish, in its place, a single israeli-palestinian state.
"having reached the conclusion that the territory between the mediterranean and the jordan river must be shared, but cannot be sensibly partitioned," he writes in his book, "we are left with only one alternative: israeli-palestinian coexistence in one nation.
Question; How many of the Arab Palestinians today are descendants of the Canaanites?
Results of a DNA study by geneticist Ariella Oppenheim in 2000 matched historical accounts that Arab Israelis and Palestinians, [ 70 ] [ 71 ] together as the one same population, represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", albeit religiously Christianized and later largely Islamized, then both ultimately becoming culturally Arabized. [ 72 ] Referring to those of the Muslim faith more specifically, it reaffirmed that Palestinian "MuslimArabs are descended from Christians and Jews who lived in the southern Levant, a region that includes Israel, Sinai and part of Jordan." Geneticist Michael Hammer praised "the study for 'focusing in detail on the Jewish and Palestinian populations.'" [ 73 ] The study proposes that:
...More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men whose DNA was studied inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region within the last few thousand years...found that the Y chromosome in Middle Eastern Arabs was almost indistinguishable from that of Jews.
For the rest of the section click the link and go to "DNA and genetic studies" (and there's a bit about 'the Canaanite question' just above it!)
with the recent escalation of the israel/palestine conflict in the gaza strip dominating news headlines, even former hard-boiled zionist thinkers like daniel gavron start to consider alternative options for the future of the jewish state.
but these chapters contain only a few vague hints of the heretical conclusion - for a life-long, traditional zionist, that is - that gavron has reached and which he presents to his unsuspecting readers in the book's eighth and final chapter: after 55 years of jewish sovereignty, the time has come to dissolve the jewish state and establish, in its place, a single israeli-palestinian state.
"having reached the conclusion that the territory between the mediterranean and the jordan river must be shared, but cannot be sensibly partitioned," he writes in his book, "we are left with only one alternative: israeli-palestinian coexistence in one nation.
I agree with slim.
There is one significant, glaring misconception with the article - I can't work out whether it is Gavron, the commentator or both who hold it - Zionism is nothing to do with Judaism. Israel is no more a 'jewish state' than britain is a Christian one.
And once you take the religion out of the equation, Israel can be seen for what it really is and what it is doing to the INDIGENOUS people of the land it has taken.
Ethnic cleansing and geocide solve nothing, they only breed further mistrust
have posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
Another bttt
thank you all for the great messages you have written, both publicly and privately.
it figures that the one time i start a topic and it turns into 10 pages long, it's about my dad!!
the funeral will be held next monday, december 29th, at radcliffe crematorium.
Just home from work (I had to go straight from the service) A special memory that I have from today is that at the start of his talk, Mike said that it was Ian's kind of day (it was bright, sunny, cold, a bit of hazy cloud in the distance where it had rained in the early hours) - I looked out of the window and thought yes, he's right! I kept thinking on that, so much positive 'energy' around. After the service just as my friend and I were heading back to the car, a whole flock of geese took off from a neighbouring field and, well I can't really explain it but I got a big smile and said to my friend "Yes, it's definitely Ian's kind of day!" It was as though I could 'see' his spirit too flying free with those birds on to the next adventure of life!
Claire and all the family, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Peace and love surround you.
for everyone taking part in this years secret santa, here is the thread to post ideas about what you would like to receive.
this way when you get your name of who you are buying for you can come in here and look at what your person has posted.. .
is your goat to Africa sort of like Heifer International? I used to make a donation every year to Heifer International to buy heifers for families in Africa.
I haven't heard of that one but yes, it sounds the same. My SS, Dagney sent the charity a donation and the charity will arrange the livestock for Africa and has sent me a letter and model goat. You can send allsorts these days - beehives, goats, chickens, camels etc. as well as things like equipment to improve/set up water supplies and sanitation.
Like you, I agree that practical gifts are great - especially if it helps to get a needy family or community set up for life. Its like the saying goes - give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, give him a rod and you feed him for life
most of us came out of a christian based faith and a lot have since attached themselves to another christian based faith.
why is it that christians think they have the truth?
what makes it any different from the jw?
Not all of Africa has warlords...
have posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.